
Pro-Palestine Activist Gets Instant Karma When She Tries Ripping Down Posters Of Missing Israelis

Public/Screenshot/Twitter/User: @CatchUpFeed via @miamiproblems

John Oyewale Contributor
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Instant KARMA!

That’s what some netizens think of a widely-circulated video that appeared Wednesday on Twitter, showing a woman complaining bitterly after she suffered cuts to her hands from trying to rip posters of missing Israelis. The back of the posters had been lined with razor blades and the woman’s fingers bled, the video shows. The incident appears to have occurred in Miami, Florida, per the Instagram account “miamiproblemss.”

“Tell me who the fuck the real terrorist is. Who does this?! Who puts razors on fucking papers?! People are snatching them off because we know where the terrorism is coming from,” she added while displaying her bloodied fingers and the back of pieces of the razor-lined posters, per the video.

Twitter user Mark Kennedy said the lining of the posters with razors as a “Jewish invention,” adding, “[S]o when it’s being ripped off by some libtard lunatic at least it should hurt.”

It must indeed have hurt, considering the woman’s strident complaint.


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Not everyone had the same reaction. “Please be careful ripping off Israeli propaganda posters, they are putting RAZORS on the papers. They spill blood wherever they go,” one user tweeted.

Others have questioned the sanity of the world and of the person(s) who put up the razor-lined posters.

Jujitsu fighter David Cohen clapped back at the aggrieved woman’s question about who the real terrorists were: the ones who lined the missing Israelis posters with razors, or the Hamas terrorists who kidnapped the Israelis in the first place. “Women ripping down posters of kidnapped Jewish children thinks the *real* terrorist is whoever put razors on the posters. Not the sadistic hate freaks who kidnapped the children, murdered their parents in front of them, etc,” he wrote. (RELATED: ‘Bait People To Take Them Down’: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Defend Tearing Down Posters Of Kidnapped Israeli Hostages)

One user, described in their bio as a “culinary terrorist,” even tweeted some unsolicited advice to would-be poster-rippers: “i am URGING you to wear masks. don’t wear anything distinctive so that the police cannot track you down.”