Dear Scoops: Hey Scoopsy! So I recently saw this TikTok trend with girlypops asking their boyfriends if they want to go to their pilates classes, and, like, apparently, in every instance where the boyfriend actually goes, the girl later discovers her man’s gay, bisexual or queer-adjacent. I tried it on my boyfriend last night (he works as a staffer for a certain Democratic Senator from Maryland, f.w.i.w.) and he said YES! I’ve texted my girlies, and they think it’s nothing to worry about, but I’m low-key concerned, cuz he even told he had “such a fun time” and would “totally do it again.” Ugh, I hate to say it, but it’s honestly giving queer-adjacent, at the very least. I just really need your advice, Scoops. Do you think he’s gay?
– ██████
also feel free to text me at ██████ or email if that works better for you ████████ 😉
Scoops: Yes.