
‘Don’t Be Naïve’: Tucker And Patrick Bet-David Discuss Who’s Next In Line For Democrats

[Screenshot/Twitter/"The Tucker Carlson Show"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David appeared on Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson’s show on Thursday, with the pair speculating about who could be next in line for the Democratic Party after President Joe Biden.

On “The Tucker Carlson Show,” Bet-David and Carlson discussed a slew of political topics, including which Democratic politician might replace Biden if he were to drop out before the race before November.

The two agreed that Democratic power brokers love candidates like Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris becaues they are easy to control, though Carlson noted that Harris would not be an electable top-of-ticket candidate. (RELATED: ‘They F*cked Him Up’: James Carville Blasts Biden For Catering To ‘The Left’)

Bet-David named former first lady Michelle Obama as the “number-one draft pick for the left, maybe even ahead of [California Gov. Gavin] Newsom,” who he suggested as another potential Biden replacement.

“You get rid of Kamala and you put in Newsom, which they would love to have Newsom as a VP,” Bet-David said. “Then you transition out [saying] ‘Biden is going to be stepping down June of 2025.’ Newsom’s now the president. What an easy way of getting Newsom elected, the easiest way of getting Newsom elected is bringing him in.”

Bet-David noted, however, that shoving Kamala aside would give Trump “ammunition.”

“What’s Trump gonna do if you get rid of Kamala and put Newsom in?” he asked. “‘Look what they did, all they talk about is female power and blacks and all this stuff? They put her back on the bus and they replace her with Newsom, shame on the Democrats. They’re the most racist.’ — I mean, can’t you already see it? Easy playbook for him, right?”

“But if you bring Michelle in, that’s easy. It’s a very easy fit to bring her in,” Bet-David reasoned. “The question then becomes, ‘Does Michelle want to be a VP?'”

Carlson, however, pushed back on the idea of the former first lady as president, noting that she’s “never had a real job.”

Bet-David disagreed, telling Carlson, “Don’t be naïve,” and pointing out Michelle’s immense popularity among Democrats.

“Do you know which one of these political figures sold 36 million copies of her book? One person,” David stated.

“Her book about what?” Carlson asked.

“It doesn’t matter. 36 million people bought her book, bro,” David pushed back.

Approval ratings for both Biden and Harris have been steadily declining as the 2024 elections grow closer. According to Gallup, Biden recently registered the lowest 13th quarter job approval numbers of any first-term president since Eisenhower. Harris’ approval rating, meanwhile, is nearly 15 points underwater in the RealClearPolitics polling average.