
You Can Feel The Desperation With Biden HQ’s Latest Hit On Trump

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So we have to wonder what the hell is wrong with the Democrats and media hacks who are still crying racism in 2024.

A former producer from “The Apprentice” is sounding off about a supposed tape of Donald Trump saying the n-word (you know, the one Democrats popularized at Klan meetings back in the day). The media, of course, takes this super seriously; they all mustered the most solemn look Botox can buy. Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris HQ account tweeted out some more pandering drivel.

If I had a penny for every time the regime tried and failed to brand Trump a racist, I’d have enough to buy a Hunter Biden painting (just kidding, the Qataris would outbid me). (RELATED: ‘RIGGED: Death Of The American Voter’ — Stream Now)

Saying the n-word is about the worst thing you can do in American life. If tape of Donald Trump sounding off like he’s participating in the Drake-Kendrick rap beef really existed, it would have come out well before the Access Hollywood tape. There’s just no way the media sat on this for years while they threw every other charge of racism they could muster at Orange Man.

Most likely, it’s more propaganda from the same folks who brought you Russiagate and the “mostly peaceful” protests.

Democrats insist that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, so we already know they’re mentally ill. But this new hit reeks more of desperation than it does of any real idiocy. The Trump train’s rolling and Democrats are terrified of getting left at the station.