
Dem Gov Blames ‘Broken Immigration Policy’ For Mother’s Murder By Illegal Alien, Says Biden Executive Action Not ’Enough’

[Screenshot/CBS News/"Face the Nation"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Democratic Maryland Gov. Wes Moore blamed “broken immigration policy” for the death of a mother allegedly killed by a Salvadorian illegal immigrant Sunday on CBS, stating that President Joe Biden’s recent immigration executive order is not “enough.”

Moore appeared on “Face the Nation” to discuss the recent arrest of Salvadorian migrant, 23-year-old Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, in connection with the rape and murder of  37-year-old Rachel Morin. CBS host Margaret Brennan questioned the Democratic governor on the incident, playing a clip from Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler in which he called out the Biden administration and Congress. (RELATED: Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Rape And Murder Of Mother Of Five)

“My heart is broken for the Morin family, as is our entire state. She should still be here, and the sheriff is absolutely right. I mean, we have an immigration policy that needed to have been dealt with and was not. And the consequences then fall on us as the chief executives of our states. The consequences fall on us as the leaders of our individualized jurisdictions. We know that we have got to fix a broken immigration policy and we know that we need Congress to act on this,” Moore said.

“This is why this was so unbelievably frustrating. When you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition of both Democrats and Republicans that get literally right up to the line to be able to get a deal done, that because you had President Trump who said this was not advantageous politically, that the deal was killed. There is an unbelievable frustration, and this is what people don’t like about politics. We’ve got to get this deal done and we need Congress to act on it.”

Brennan continued to question Moore on the ongoing border crisis, asking if he agreed with Biden’s recent immigration executive action which will pause new asylum requests once the daily average hits over 2,5000 migrants on a weekly basis at the southern border, and resuming when the daily average can fall back to 1,500 migrants.

“I agree with the executive action. I also just know it’s not going to be enough. This is not politics. Politics should not get in the way of public safety. And I know for all of us who have to deal with the downstream impacts of broken policies, that we know that we need Congress to act on this,” Moore responded.

In August 2023, Morin was found dead by authorities along a popular hiking trail in Harford County Maryland, leaving behind five children, according to CBS News. Officials arrested Martinez-Hernandez Saturday and charged him with first-degree murder and first-degree rape, believing that he had hid in a drainage culvert before brutally attacking Mornin, the outlet reported.

Following the arrest, authorities revealed Martinez-Hernandez illegally crossed over into the U.S. in February 2023 after murdering another woman in El Salvador in January of that same year. While the international law enforcement agency, Interpol, issued an arrest warrant for the murder, Martinez-Hernandez later went on in March 2023 to allegedly assault a 9-year-old girl and her mother in Los Angeles, CBS News reported.