Shovel-Ready Jobs For Beheaders?
Surrender To Cuba? Why Didn't We Think Of That?
Hagel Dismissed, But Not Missed, As Iran Talks Crumble
Obama's Lawyer: Jerusalem = Crimea
There's A 'Crisis' Between President Obama And Israel Because The President Is Wrong
In Israel�s Desperate Hour, Obama Leads From Behind
Mr. President: Is There A Bear?
Why the Rubio Amendment makes sense
Election 2012: Echoes of Truman’s 1948 campaign
What Powers and Wehner get wrong about the Palestinians
Americans are pro-Israel. Obama’s party? Not so much
Resistance with respect
The mullahs will never succumb to sanctions
Israel is America’s shield
How to dump your vice president
Chris Rock’s tweet beyond the pale
Reagan’s Sign of the Cross Speech
The Obama administration should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
American sovereignty: LOST at sea?
Obama’s grovel-ready foreign policy
The Shadow over Osawatomie: Obama vs. Lincoln
George Gilder’s ‘Israel test’ — and ours
The Arab Spring has turned into an Islamist fall
Let the (drone) thing be pressed
Hillary: Counting Jews in Jerusalem
A clear and present danger: The national popular vote plan
NBC’s godless Pledge of Allegiance
The UN should think twice before recognizing Palestinian statehood
Blocking a UN threat to the family
Purple fingers aren’t enough
Don’t sweeten the hemlock
The Constitution did not condone slavery