Dr. Melissa Clouthier

Dr. Melissa Clouthier


Melissa Clouthier blogs at <a href="http://www.melissaclouthier.com/">MelissaClouthier.com</a> and <a href="http://rightwingnews.com">RightWingNews.com</a>. She also writes at various places around the web. Melissa has her own twice-weekly podcast Right Doctor which plays on RadioForConservatives.com and can be found on her new start-up LibertyPundits.com where she also has a podcast, Malcolm &amp; Melissa, with the LA Time's blogger Andrew Malcolm and a weekly round-up podcast. Melissa has commentated for the BBC and various radio programs. When she's not Tweeting as @MelissaTweets, Melissa is seeing her chiropractic patients. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and three children.