Key Questions on the Obama Administration’s 2011 Education Budget

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February 1, 2010

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for the full PDF version of the issue brief.

President Barack Obama submitted his second budget request to Congress on February 1st, 2010. The detailed budget request includes proposed funding levels for all federal programs and agencies in aggregate for the upcoming five to ten fiscal years, and specific fiscal year 2011 funding levels for programs subject to the annual appropriations process. It is important to remember that the president’s 2011 budget request is a policy and budget proposal, but not legislation or law. Actual fiscal year 2011 funding levels for nearly all federal education programs will be determined through the Congressional appropriations process that Congress aims to complete by the start of the new fiscal year, which begins October 1st, 2010. Policy changes and funding levels that the president proposes for education programs not funded through the appropriations process (i.e. mandatory programs) are also subject to Congressional approval.

In an effort to heighten the quality of debate on federal education policy, the New America Foundation’s Federal Education Budget Project has reviewed the president’s proposals and generated a list of key questions policymakers, the media, stakeholder groups, and the public should ask about the proposals.


Key Questions on the Obama Administration's 2011 Education Budget (4pp, PDF)