Bullied teen commits suicide, jumps from overpass

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The father of a Jemison teen who jumped from an Interstate 65 overpass in Chilton County said the family is devastated by the loss and by the belief that bullying may have led to her death.

“I’m just so sad, you wouldn’t believe,” Jim Moore said today. “We knew she had been picked on some, but we thought it had been dealt with.”

Moore said his 15-year-old daughter, Alex, was sometimes teased about her appearance, mainly her weight.

“At 15 years old, girls are starting to wear makeup and be interested in boys,” Moore said. “She was going to be a little behind the others maybe. She was socially immature, but a great kid.”

Full story: Jemison father mourns for daughter who died in Interstate 65 overpass leap, possibly driven by bullying | al.com