DC Trawler

Glenn Beck launches latest site to be dubbed ‘the conservative HuffPo’

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That’s what we were called 8 months ago, and now it’s Glenn’s turn. He just started a site called The Blaze, “a news, information and opinion site brought to you by Glenn Beck and a dedicated team of writers, journalists & video producers. Our goal is to post, report and analyze stories of interest on a wide range of topics from politics and culture to faith and family.”

That sound you just heard was all the lefty heads in America that hadn’t exploded yet this week, exploding. Some reaction:

“If there’s one thing it’s hard to get on the web, it’s news, opinion, and video.” — Gawker, suddenly self-aware

“What I don’t see is how Beck is monetizing it. The guy never seems to sneeze without figuring a way to earn money and promote himself so it’s hard to believe that some self-aggrandizing, profit-making scheme won’t be far behind this launch.” — News Hounds, who don’t like it when you call them socialists

“The site — which is already live — is already running ads for Goldline International.” — Will Bunch at Philly.com, which is completely ad-free except for all the ads

“Awwwww. The bigoted, anti-American psychotics get their own little website. How cute.” — Scytherius, commenter at The Wrap who is dreading November

“Guys like Beck scare the s**t out of me. It is not so much their actual politics as their evil-geek qualities – they are close-minded, frustrated and persnikety uncivil, lacking in gentility, angry failures on some level, and hostile toward anyone who has an opinion even slightly different from theirs. And they love to appeal to, and stir up, the unwashed masses. Remind you of anyone? A little mustachioed painter from Austria?” — SebastianCanada, commenting at nymag.com and being Canadian

So they seem to like it. Beck is also getting slammed for having so many stories on The Blaze about… Glenn Beck. Which is a bit rich coming from a site like Media Matters, which would collapse in on itself like a black hole of dumbness if it didn’t have Beck to complain about. Plus, this new site has existed for a day. Breathe into a paper bag already, libs. You sound more hyper and paranoid than… Well. You know.

Jim Treacher