
Verizon stops taking iPhone pre-orders after setting unspecified ‘record’

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Verizon stopped taking pre-orders for its version of the iPhone 4 at 8:10 last night–and it clocked so many that it hasn’t finished counting them.

That’s one way to read this morning’s press release, in which the carrier uses a variety of phrases–“record sales,” “the most successful first day sales in the history of the company,” “unprecedented customer orders”–without actually giving a number of iPhones sold.

There is a bit of a precedent for this. Amazon has yet to say how many Kindles it’s sold in the more than three years since its first e-book reader debuted; its latest press release on the subject did not feature a number more specific than “millions.”

Full Story: Faster Forward – Verizon stops taking iPhone pre-orders after setting unspecified ‘record’