Couples more likely to text ‘I love you’ than say it face to face

Laura Donovan Contributor
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Respondents were asked whether or not they texted ‘I love you’ to their partner on a regular basis, to which 61 per cent replied yes. However, only 22 per cent of those polled said that they regularly told their partner they love them face-to-face.

The research, conducted by a mobile phone comparison site,, also found that men were more likely than women to use text messages to express their feelings to their partners.

When asked to stipulate how many times they text their partner per day, women averaged just once a day, whereas men said that, on average, they text their partner three times a day expressing their feelings.

Of those that said they did include ‘I love you’ in texts to their partner, 11 per cent said that it was because they felt guilty for not spending enough time with them; whereas 39 per cent said it was because they missed them while they were apart. A quarter of respondents said it was because they thought their other half would ‘get annoyed’ if they didn’t include it in the text message.

Full story: Couples are more likely to text ‘I love you’ than say it face to face