DC Trawler

If Susan Sarandon is so smart, why isn’t she rich?

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Oh, she’s both? See, I got confused because she just said this about Scott Walker and the rest of the evil Republicans, as relayed by our own Laura Donovan:

“It’s a great opportunity that this idiot, uh, Walker has given us, to remember our strength and to remember that we are the many and they are the few,” Sarandon said. “Even though they have the wealth, we have something which is as important if not more important, and so I came just to say thank you and to remind them that we are watching, even if the media hasn’t been on top of it as much as they should have.”

“Even in New York.” Wow, really?

I’d like to live in a world where Susan Sarandon doesn’t have the wealth, the media aren’t sympathetic to these union goons in Wisconsin, and it’s a terrific idea to call people idiots for disagreeing with you, after months of scolding them for their tone. Unfortunately, such a world exists only within the perilously narrow confines of Susan Sarandon’s skull. Dude, when you’re too much of a lefty for Tim Robbins? Come on.