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TheDC Morning: John Edwards gets early Father’s Day present

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1.) John Edwards gets early Father’s Day present — Remember when some people thought John Edwards would make a good president? Remember when he knocked up his mistress on the campaign trail, and then spent a fortune moving her and the baby all over the place to hide them from the press (which was pointless, because the media did everything possible to look the other way so as not to spoil the Democrats’ electoral chances in ’08)? Yeah, it turns out that was kind of a bad idea: “The United States Department of Justice has green-lighted the prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards for alleged violations of campaign laws while he tried to cover up an extra-marital affair, ABC News has learned. A source close to the case said Edwards is aware that the government intends to seek an indictment and that the former senator from North Carolina is now considering his limited options. He could accept a plea bargain with prosecutors or face a potentially costly trial. Edwards has been the focus of a lengthy federal investigation focusing on hundreds of thousands of dollars allegedly provided by two wealthy supporters.” And to think, at one point his biggest problem was explaining how much he spends on a haircut.

2.) Barack turns back the clock — John Edwards isn’t the only one who yearns for the innocent, carefree days of 2008, as TheDC’s Caroline May reports: “In signing the guestbook at Westminster Abbey Tuesday during his state visit to the UK, President Barack Obama seemed to indicate he is still stuck in the glory days of 2008. ‘It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice,’ he wrote, dating the note he co-signed with the first lady, ’24 May 2008.'” That’s nothing; he’s still writing “1917” on his checks. To cover for his mistake, Barack screwed up his toast to Queen Elizabeth. But hey, these are just more of those harmless, endearing political gaffes that don’t indicate anything bad about the offender as long as he’s not a Republican.

3.) Facebook still ugly, annoying; now also fascist — If you’ve got a Facebook group and you’re not a liberal, get ready to start all over. TheDC’s Neil Munro reports: “Facebook’s managers are deploying a new software upgrade that will dismantle myriad groups of like-minded political activists unless they get a special software-key from the company. But Facebook managers are providing very limited information about which groups are being favored with the new key, prompting some activists to complain about possible political favoritism among Facebook managers, and many other activists to experiment with techniques and tricks to get the needed upgrade-key… The new software-upgrade will automatically archive all groups. Once archived, each group’s past activity will be still be visible on Facebook, but the groups’ administrators will lose access to their lists of group members. That means the administrators lose contact with everyone in their groups, and will be forced to recruit all those members again – unless Facebook provides them with the special upgrade software.” Well, it should be easy enough to keep Facebook from trashing your groups. Just don’t express political opinions that differ from those of Facebook’s administrators. Problem?

4.) David Mamet finds new favorite F-word: Friedrich — Pajamas Media’s Roger L. Simon reviews David Mamet’s upcoming book about his embrace of conservatism, The Secret Knowledge: “Barely ten pages into his book, you know this man has read, and thoroughly digested, the major conservative works of our and recent times, from Friedrich Hayek to Milton Friedman and on to Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele. And he is able to explicate and elaborate on them as well as anybody… Mamet has come a ways in three years from a chrysalis bewildered and astonished by his new found views to an author writing in white heat. The new book is a full-throated intellectual attack on liberalism in almost all its aspects from someone who was there, a former leftwing intellectual of prominence, a Pulitzer Prize winner even (and one who deserved it, unlike the New York Times’ Walter Duranty).” It’ll be interesting to watch a critical darling like Mamet as he magically transforms from genius to moron over the course of a single book tour. When lefties need to deal with a turncoat, their slogan is “ABC: Always Be Calumniating.”

5.) If Trump can’t be president, he can at least spoil it for everybody else — Everybody else except Barack, that is. Trump trashed the guy for weeks and was mocked to his face in return, so now his backup plan is to get Barack reelected. TheDC’s Jeff Winkler reports: “The Daily Caller has learned that despite dropping his name from consideration as a Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump is researching the possibility of running for the White House as an independent. After the Trump 2012 speculation died down, Trump again raised the specter of a candidacy when he said on Fox and Friends that he ‘can’t rule out anything.'” Ross Perot gave us 8 years of Bill Clinton. Then he went away. But then, he’s no Donald Trump.

6.) Meghan McCain doesn’t want to go out with youSpeaking of Jeff Winkler, he might want to take note: Meghan McCain isn’t dating right now. In her immortal words to Jay Leno: “I’m in, like, Dating Babylon. Like, I go on dates with men, and literally Sarah Palin will come up in, like, the first 20 minutes. And that doesn’t put me in the mood. Like, talking about Sarah Palin. And they just wanna know gossip. And I’m just kind of taking a hiatus on dating right now ’cause I just don’t wanna talk about Sarah Palin.” Which is, like, what she was doing, unprompted, at that exact moment. On, like, national TV. Meanwhile, Dustin Hoffmann sat next to her and pondered offering her the lead role in the sequel to Rain Man. To cap off this meeting of the minds, Meghan stood up for the empowerment of women by noting that her dad could “kick Glenn Beck’s ass.” Some might call that a win/win.

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