
Heritage urges Congress to vote ‘no’ on debt deal

Jamie Weinstein Senior Writer
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A top conservative think tank’s political action wing is urging members of Congress to vote “no” on the White House-GOP budget compromise.

“Today or tomorrow, the Senate and House will vote on the Budget Control Act of 2011, which would increase America’s debt ceiling,” the Heritage Foundation’s grassroots lobbying group Heritage Action for America says on its website.

“The deal relies on an insufficient level of cuts, a ‘super committee’ tasked with brokering a grand bargain that will lead to massive tax hikes, massive defense cuts, or both. It remains insufficient to the task at hand and the standards which Heritage Action for America has set forth during the course of the debate.”

A deal between House Speaker John Boehner and the White House was struck Sunday; Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has said he supports it “pending caucus approval.” Lawmakers are scrambling to come to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling before Aug. 2, the date on which the Treasury Department says America will run out of funds to meet all of its obligations.