
Hank Williams Jr.: Obama-Boehner golf match like ‘Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu’

Jeff Poor Media Reporter
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The name Hank Williams, Jr. isn’t usual associated with political insight and expert analysis of current events. But the “Are you ready for some football?” singer has some strong political views, and he shared them on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning. Among other things, he compared the president to Adolph Hitler.

Williams said Monday morning that a pivotal moment for him was the so-called golf summit in June between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner.

“You remember the golf game they had, ladies and gentlemen? Remember the golf game? That was one of the biggest political mistakes ever,” Williams said. “That turned a lot of people off. It just didn’t go over.”

“Come on, come on,” the country performer continued. “It would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu, OK? Not hardly. In the country this shape it’s in, the shape this country is in, I mean, no, I don’t think so.”

Host Brian Kilmeade said he didn’t understand that analogy, but Williams insisted that others would.

“Well, I’m glad you don’t, brother, because a lot of people do,” he said. “They’re the enemy” — meaning Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Looking at the 2012 GOP field, Williams said he likes former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, but also wants Congress completely replaced.

“They’ve turned a lot of people off,” he barked. “I mean, look at the USA Today poll. Eighty-nine percent said Congress should be completely replaced. I agree with them. You know, the health care bill, it’s not going to fly either. It’s going to be a historic election, I know that.”


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