DC Trawler

They’re finally turning Superman into a villain

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For almost 75 years, Clark Kent has been a newspaper reporter. Mostly he’s worked for the Daily Planet, sometimes the Daily Star, probably a few other fictional newspapers* here and there.

For a time in the ’70s and ’80s, he was a local TV anchorman. Which made sense. Once you accept that nobody can recognize him as Superman when he puts on his dumb glasses, why not put his face in front of the entire city of Metropolis every day? “Mommy, why is Superman wearing a business suit and talking about the gas crisis?”

Well, now DC Comics is sending Kent all the way to the other end of the media spectrum. The bottom of the barrel. The lowest of the low.

They’re making him a… [suppresses urge to vomit] …a blogger.

Fox News:

In the next issue of DC comics’ “Superman,” due out on Wednesday, the superhero’s alter ego will eschew being a mild-mannered reporter, presumably to become a snarky blogger, when he quits his post at the Daily Planet.

“This is really what happens when a 27-year-old guy is behind a desk and he has to take instruction from a larger conglomerate with concerns that aren’t really his own,” Superman writer Scott Lobdell said to USA Today…

“This is not the first time in DC Comics history that Clark Kent has left the Planet, and this time the resignation reflects present-day issues – the balance of journalism vs. entertainment, the role of new media, the rise of the citizen journalist, etc.,” DC Comics said in a written statement to FoxNews.com…

“He is more likely to start the next Huffington Post or the next Drudge Report than he is to go find someone else to get assignments or draw a paycheck from,” Lobdell told USA Today.

Why not? After all, Lois and Clark discovered blogging way back in 1959:

Chillingly accurate.

Now they just need to come up with a name for his blog. Kentinuum? The Daily Clark? Nah, they can come up with something better than that. I hope he enables comments, so everybody can accuse him of being Superman and he’s like, “Yeah, right, you guys. I almost did a chin-up once…” Which he types on his iPhone as he’s flying to the Fortress of Solitude. Or I guess it would be a LexPhone? Whatever.

*Yeah, I know. Aren’t they all?