DC Trawler

So long, Sandy

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Now beat it.

How’s everybody doing? You’re reading this, so presumably you have power and/or some sort of signal. Hope all is well where you are.

They’re saying 16 people died in the U.S., which isn’t good but could’ve been worse. Looks like flooding and other damage is the worst of it. Hang in there, New York and New Jersey.

My neighborhood in DC still has power and there was no damage. They cancelled Metro service yesterday and part of today, so nobody had to wait much longer than usual. Some rain, a few alarming wind gusts, and the lights flicking a few times were the extent of it.

Better safe than sorry, though. I filled up the bathtub like they tell you to, had my flashlights and spare batteries and emergency hand-crank/solar radio with phone charger, and “hunkered down” as instructed. Most importantly: I cooked up all the bacon in the fridge, because I didn’t want to face the prospect of sitting in a power outage and looking sadly at a couple pounds of slowly rotting bacon. Priorities. Hey, I’d rather have a bathtub of cold water and a big baggie of cold bacon and not need ’em than to need ’em and not have ’em.

It also gave me a chance to watch the local news, which I only do when something like this happens. And by “local news,” I mean “non-stop barrage of political ads interspersed with brief weather reports.” Yeesh.

Well, now we get to hear about how this was global warming, and it’s a perfect example of why we need even more government, and by the way Romney is evil and wants you to drown, and on and on. “Hey, let’s exploit the victims of this natural disaster to make people shut up about taking even more money out of their pockets by force of law!” And then, if you say anything about it, they accuse you of politicizing things. Back to business as usual…


P.P.S. For once, the laughter from Letterman’s audience matched the people watching at home.
