DC Trawler

Dennis Rodman will go on vacation with Kim Jong Un, because at this point why not

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I’m thinking sitcom. An update of The Odd Couple, except Oscar used to date Madonna, and Felix wants to tidy up America with nukes.


BA Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman plans to return to North Korea in August, CNN affiliate KXJB reported Monday.

Rodman, who recently visited the communist nation, said he plans to vacation with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“I don’t condone what he does, but he’s my friend,” Rodman told KXJB while in Fargo, North Dakota, for a promotional appearance.

I’ve been skeptical of Rodman’s sincerity, not to mention his planet of origin, but that was before I heard his eloquent and deeply perceptive analysis of global politics:

“No one’s ever seen him do it. It’s all about: What?”

Why isn’t this guy working for the State Department? On second thought, he might be overqualified.