In “gun-free zones”?
And why aren’t we supposed to ask? Oh, that’s right, because that’s “politicizing murder.” Unlike the people who immediately jump on it to call for even stricter gun laws and even more “gun-free zones.” They’re not politicizing it, because their opinion is the default.
In other words, shut up.
A gunman opened fire inside a building at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning, and a Defense Department official said several people were killed and as many as 10 were wounded, including at least one law enforcement officer.
A shooter was “contained” but not yet in custody, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. Helicopters swarmed overhead, schools were on lockdown and airplanes at nearby Reagan National Airport were grounded as authorities swarmed the area in southeast D.C., just miles from the Capitol.
No names yet. No motive.
Shut up.
Unless you’re a liberal, of course. You go right ahead.
Update: “It’s the Navy Yard! They have guns there!” Are you sure? Where were all the guns in Ft. Hood when Nidal Hasan murdered 14 people? That area was a “gun-free zone.”
Update: When you want to have a calm, rational discussion, there’s no place like Twitter.
Why is it that mass shootings tend to happen in places with the strictest gun laws? In gun-free zones? And why aren't we supposed to ask?
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) September 16, 2013
@jtLOL It's a military facility. So they have guns. Perhaps you didn't fully think through your sarcastic tweet?
— Jacob (@Jacob_West43) September 16, 2013
@jtLOL Clearly we should arm the militar….oh, wait.
— Graham Campbell (@GrahamCC) September 16, 2013
@jtLOL you suck
— Bryan Spadaro (@bspadaro01) September 16, 2013
@jtLOL Are you normally this dense, or are you just making an extra effort today?
— Patrick McCulley (@panther_modern) September 16, 2013
this moron must believe Ft Hood was a gun-free zone RT @jtLOL Why is it mass shootings tend to happen in places with the strictest gun laws?
— Daniel (@dan_verg_) September 16, 2013
@jtLOL Who says you're not supposed to ask? And given today's events, are there not enough guns on a military base?
— Iain (@IAM568) September 16, 2013
@jtLOL it's a military fort, you dumb useless fuck. You should stop rooting for school shootings.
— Daniel (@dan_verg_) September 16, 2013
“The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” — Ronald Reagan
@dan_verg_ @jtLOL All military bases are gun-free zones.
— Jeff (@BroncosJeff) September 16, 2013
@dan_verg_ @jtLOL My staff & I live @ Fort Bragg. There are guns most are locked up except for military police.
— Diana Kitty (@DianaKittyMeows) September 16, 2013
@dan_verg_ @jtlol OMG, the stupidity! ALL DoD facilities are gun free zones.
— Steven Drexler (@stevedrexler) September 16, 2013
@Jacob_West43 @jtLOL Um. Military installations are gun free except for Military Police.
— Amy (@sorandom) September 16, 2013
uhm, @dan_verg_ because ALL military clinics (hospitals) ARE gunfree zones, as are entire bases, you cannot carry a gun on base @jtLOL
— Sum Ting Wong™ (@Jennyruskie) September 16, 2013
@dan_verg_ @jtLOL Only Military Police are allowed to carry firearms on base. Rest are locked up. #FactsMatter #Caring #Dumbass
— Nick Chuckles (@NickChuckles) September 16, 2013
@KSchweitzer1 @jtLOL The ignorance of Amer pub about their mil is staggering. 20+ years living & working on base & never been able 2 carry.
— Molon Labe (@KennethKlug) September 16, 2013
@IAM568 At a NAVAL YARD? No. And the VERY FEW weapons they might have for the civ. "security force" would be LOCKED in the armory. @jtLOL
— tree hugging sister (@treehuggingsis) September 16, 2013
@dan_verg_ @jtLOL I'm a military officer. Mil bases are gun free except for mil police. You should know that before debating.
— Stephen Oliver (@StephenDOliver) September 16, 2013
@Jennyruskie @jtLOL @dan_verg_ Yup. As a Marine, I was required to disarm before entering base.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) September 16, 2013
@ratcar @LGwalt @jtLOL @NolteNC I have lived on several military bases. They are all gun-free zones, except for military police.
— Ginny Mendax (@GinnyMendax) September 16, 2013
Yeah, but what do those warmongering wingnuts know anyway? Besides, y’know… facts.
Gun-free zones are the safest places around. For mass-murderers. They don’t have to worry about anybody shooting back.