
Hypothetical Redskins logos for a name that doesn’t need to be changed [PHOTOS]

Sarah Hofmann Contributor
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The controversy over the name of the Washington Redskins won’t seem to stop.

Even President Obama recently weighed in on the team name, saying that if he were the owner of the Redskins, he would “think about changing” the name.

But Obama is not Dan Snyder, the often-reviled owner of the Redskins. Snyder bought the rights to the name “Washington Warriors” back in 2002, reportedly for an arena football team name, according to the Washington City Paper. He continues to hold on to the naming rights, and some speculate that he is keeping it for a time when public outcry of the Redskins becomes too loud.

The anti-Redskins media campaign has, at least, given talented graphic designers an outlet to produce potential replacement designs. In a contest launched on the site 99designs, an unspecified organization or person has guaranteed $714 to someone who can create a new design for an imaginary Washington Warriors, Washington Griffins or Washington Renegades.

Here are the best entries for each name so far:

washington warrioswashington griffinswashington renagades

So, hail to the Warriors/ Hail victory/ Renegades on the warpath/ Fight for the old PC!

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