
HE’S BAAACK! Hateful MSU prof will resume teaching duties

Robby Soave Reporter
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William Penn, the Michigan State University writing professor who was suspended just a few days into the semester after unleashing a torrent of verbal abuses aimed at Republicans, Christians and athletes, will resume his teaching duties in January. reported that Penn has been assigned to teach two courses at MSU beginning next semester.

“Professor William Penn will be assigned to teach two small courses next semester in creative writing,” said MSU spokesperson Kent Cassella in a statement to

Penn was initially stripped of his teaching duties after launching into an anti-Republican tirade in his first lecture. A student in the classroom recorded his rant and sent it to Campus Reform, which published it.

The professor claimed that Republicans refused to pay their taxes and supported voter ID laws in order to disenfranchise black people. He also attacked Anne Romney, claimed that Christians were “blind followers,” and trashed athletes. This was insulting to some of the students in the room who were Republicans, Christians and athletes, though other students thought the rant was awkward and offensive as well.

One student even reported that Penn had threatened to punish students who disagreed with him by giving them bad grades. (UPDATE: Hate-filled anti-Republican prof still earning full salary, also insulted Christians and athletes)

“He had said before, ‘You have every right to disagree with me, but it may be reflected in your grade,’” said student Caroline Freeman in a statement.

Nevertheless, Penn will be returning to an MSU classroom in a few weeks.

University officials did not respond to a request for comment as to whether they felt certain that students’ rights would be respected in Penn’s class.

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