The Mirror

Breitbart News’ EXCLUSIVE fizzle

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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If you’re on Breitbart News‘ media blast, this morning you may have thought your computer was going to burst into flames if you saw the frightening red exclamation point graphic they sent to your inbox.

That, or you thought they really had an exclusive so HUGE that they needed to not only scare the crap out of you but say everything twice.

Just in case, what, your nickname is “Dumdum?”

The EXCLUSIVE nothingburger was an op-ed from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), in which he spoke of Obamacare and preventing blank check bailouts. In 15 graphs, his main point is that a bailout provision in President Obama‘s healthcare  law must not prevail. And he mentions a bill he recently introduced that would wipe out taxpayer responsibility for bailing out insurance companies.

Weirdly, Rubio announced this EXCLUSIVE news not so exclusively on Nov. 19 when he introduced his bill and wrote an op-ed saying he was targeting a “lesser known” provision of the bill that allows the government to bailout insurance companies. You can read this story by Tal Kopan in Politico explaining everything that’s in the Breitbart News EXCLUSIVE or just read Rubio’s other EXCLUSIVE op-ed that appeared in the WSJ on the evening of Nov. 18.

National Journal health care reporter Sam Baker summed up the absurdity of the explosively EXCLUSIVE news: “Hot Brietbart dot com exclusive on something Rubio’s office says 10 times a day,” he wrote on Twitter shortly after the email blast arrived.

Read the full op-ed here.