Study: Men and women both good at reading partner’s sexual satisfaction

Rachel Stoltzfoos Staff Reporter
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Don’t bother hiding your intense sexual satisfaction from your partner, or lack thereof — they can tell.

A University of Waterloo study published this month found men and women are equally perceptive of their partner’s level of sexual satisfaction.

“We found that, on average, both men and women have fairly accurate and unbiased perceptions of their partners’ sexual satisfaction,” said Erin Fallis, Ph.D. candidate and the study’s lead author, in the report, announced Thursday.

Fallis and co-authors Uzma S. Rehman and Christine Purdon, both psychology professors, separated 84 couples and asked the individuals to report their levels of commitment, relationship and sexual satisfaction, and sexual communication.

They also measured their ability to recognize emotion, and found those who read emotions well could accurately gauge their partner’s sexual satisfaction, even if sexual communication was lacking. However, good communication did help participants better understand, said Fallis.

A better ability to gauge each other’s sexual satisfaction helps couples develop “sexual scripts” they both enjoy, said Fallis, and help them decide whether to try something new.

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