Democratic Candidate Shoots Elephant Pinata In New Ad [VIDEO]

Chuck Ross Investigative Reporter
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A Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives is taking aim at Republicans in a new television ad full of the type of violent rhetoric that Democrats have attacked Republicans for in the past.

“They call me a long shot. They say I can’t win in this district. But what happens to an elephant who stands around doing nothing for too long,” says Estakio Beltran in the Western-themed TV spot.

In it, Beltran pulls out a shotgun, aims it and fires at an elephant pinata.

The message was clear, as the elephant is commonly known as a symbol of the GOP.

Beltran is seeking to fill a seat left open by Republican Doc Hastings, who is set to retire.

The 31 year-old Beltran, who has worked as an aide to Democratic U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell and U.S. Rep. Dennis Cardoza, faces an uphill battle in a heavily Republican district. Hastings garnered 66 percent of the vote in the 2012 election. The district has also heavily favored Republican presidential candidates in the past.

Beltran’s low-budget ad concludes with him riding a small, beleaguered donkey towards a sign with an image of the U.S. Capitol building.

“Experienced. Qualified. Good shot,” reads the ad’s ending message.

Republicans have come under heavy criticism for rhetoric similar to Beltran’s in the past.

Most prominently was former Republican Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin who received heavy push-back for a map created by her political action committee which used gun sights to mark political races in which it was involved.

Beltran’s campaign did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller’s request for comment.

(h/t Vocativ)

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