
PayPal Co-Founder Says Twitter Is ‘Horribly Mismanaged’ Because Of Execs ‘Pot-Smoking’

Giuseppe Macri Tech Editor
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Paypal co-founder and Facebook investor Peter Thiel thinks dances with Mary Jane are dulling the business senses of his portfolio’s primary competitor, Twitter, which he described Wednesday as “a horribly mismanaged company.”

“Twitter is hard to evaluate. They have a lot of potential. It’s a horribly mismanaged company — probably a lot of pot-smoking going on there. But it’s such a solid franchise it may even work with all that,” Thiel said during an interview on CNBC Wednesday.

Twitter investor Bijan Sabet caught the interview and tweeted a response.

Thiel is well known in Silicon Valley for his libertarian political perspective and, according to Business Insider, dreams of building an independent libertarian city-state on a platform at sea similar to the entrepreneurial paradise described in Ayn Rand’s objectivist novel “Atlas Shrugged,” or the loosely based video game adaptation “Bioshock.”

Ex-Twitter executive Jason Goldman played off Thiel’s lofty ideal in his own Twitter response.


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