Former Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said in an interview with Fox News Monday that by-and-large, Democrats in 2014 have only been running on “demoniz[ing] fellow Americans” and personal attacks, and that Republicans are the only ones running on the issues. (RELATED: Romney Slams ‘Spectator-In-Chief’ Obama [VIDEO])
I find it very interesting that Republicans across the country I campaigned with– and as you know I have been in twenty-seven states campaigning for senate candidates, gubernatorial candidates, congressional candidates– each of the people in the Republican side is coming out with issues, with position papers, with policy that they want to implement, describing a new direction… And the Democratic campaign with few exceptions are coming out with attacks on the Republican candidate. Personal attacks, war on women, war on poverty, war on one thing or the other. All of these are focused on trying to demonize fellow Americans.
It’s just wrong. It’s time for the Democratic Party to talk about policy and not attack, and the attack on [Iowa Republican] Joni Ernst on a personal basis, on an appearance basis? This is really out of character with the way this country ought to be choosing the people who represent us in Washington.