The Mirror

Morning Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“Dear Media: I’m giving you until 12 p.m. ET today to see if you can’t figure out how to DO YOUR FUCKING JOB.”

— Conservative blogger Robert Stacy McCain.

Pundit makes plea to the “mainstream media”

“Over the past weeks, we’ve seen lives destroyed by snap judgments based on easy stereotypes. Can we (MSM/America) put the breaks on, please?” — TheBlazeAmy Holmes.

Gone fishing: journo taking break from the Internet (sort of) 

“I am going on vacation for a week in Vancouver. I will not be online, other than Instagram and Google Maps. If you need me, text me.” — Mitchell Sunderland, writer and editor, VICE Media.

What passes for humor in Chris Hayes’ world

“Best way to kick off this week’s news cycle would be for Chris Hughes to announce he’s selling TNR to the grumpy cat lady.” — MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

Politico event: Men need to be trained 

“#Women Rule Debbie Wasserman Shultz says there needs to be training for men in lives of women in politics.” — America Urban Radio’s White House correspondent April Ryan.

On Bill Cosby

“What should Mr. Cosby do next? I say he should leave the country and perform on his own private island.” — radio host Tom Joyner.

Important Q to Ponder: “Do I get a prize if I get a picture of Will and Kate with the BuzzFeed umbrella in it?” — BuzzFeed‘s Ellie Hall.

And this… “Fascination with British Royal family in this country is something I will never, ever understand.” — TheBlazeTV‘s Buck Sexton.

Uh oh

“For all the talk of a TNR tech vs. journalism culture war, the basic issue was bad management. If they don’t fix that, it’s doomed. I’m violating my New Republic tweet moratorium, apologies.” — John McQuaid, journalist and author of Tasty: The Art and Science of What we Eat.

Tuesday Blues 

“So, Walter Lippmann once lived on my street in DC. A historic tour group just stopped outside his house. Now I’m feeling blue.” — Politico senior foreign affairs correspondent Michael Crowley. Lippman was a political commentator and reporter who died in 1974.