Mila Kunis has been really open lately.
First, she was on Conan O’Brien’s late night show talking about she’s all of a sudden become busty since giving birth, saying “men actually look at my boobs now,” and now she’s talking about that time she had to make out with Natalie Portman for “Black Swan.”
It was during her Reddit “Ask Me Anything,” and Kunis said that both her and her husband Ashton Kutcher have kissed Portman.
“I mean…when you have a kissing scene in a film it’s not something you think about as a kissing thing. You have all these crew around,” Kunis said.
“But she’s a lovely kisser, very polite. But here’s a little-known fact: there’s one person in the world that both Ashton Kutcher and I have kissed, and that’s Natalie Portman.” (RELATED: Mila Kunis: ‘Boy, Did These Things Grow!’)