
Biden: Global Warming Skeptics Are ‘Close To Mindless’ [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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In a preview for the upcoming season of HBO’s “Vice,” Vice President Joe Biden calls global warming skeptics like Oklahoma Republican Senator Jim Inhofe “close to mindless,” and claims they’re smiliar gravity deniers. (RELATED: Joe Biden: Extremists Commit Violence ‘In The Name Of The Bible’)

“The Senate Commission for the Environment now has a senator whose saying that global warming is the biggest hoax to have been perpetrated,” the interviewer asked, complete with video of Inhofe.

“I think it’s close to mindless,” Biden responded. “I mean, I think it’s almost like denying gravity now. I mean, wait a minute, come on! You know the willing suspension of disbelief can only be sustained for so long.”

“The expression my dad used to use was ‘reality has a way of intruding,’” he continued. “It’s intruding in a big way, and people are beginning to fully understand in particular. Look what Superstorm Sandy did right here in New York.” (VIDEO: But Of Course: MSNBC Guest Blames Blizzard On Global Warming)

“You can’t look anyone in the eye seriously and say, ‘Well, it has nothing to do with carbon,’” Biden concluded.


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