
Jeb Bush: Obama’s Executive Amnesty Akin To ‘Latin-American Dictator’ [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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In a video-taped conversation with an immigration activist, Republican former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said that while he believed in giving “DREAMers” a path to citizenship, President Barack Obama’s executive orders granting de facto legalization to millions of illegal immigrants was akin to the actions of a “Latin American dictator.”

The conversation, which took place entirely in Spanish, was caught on camera and posted to YouTube by a staffer for the liberal Christian outlet Sojourners, run by Obama faith advisor Jim Wallis. In a separate video, the activist identified herself as Monica Reyes, with the pro-amnesty organization DREAMIowa, and provides an English translation. (VIDEO: Former Obama Faith Advisor: Tim Scott’s Selma Statement Has Civil Rights Heroes ‘Rolling In Their Grave’)


REYES: Will you prioritize the termination of the DACA & DAPA programs?

BUSH: DACA is… Which one is DACA?

REYES: You said that you would undo President Obama’s overreach. Are you referring to DACA and DAPA?

BUSH: Exactly, and pass them as a law instead of how it has been done.

REYES: So you do have plans to end DACA and DAPA.

BUSH: DACA is, which one… the one that deals with Dreamers. We ought to give Dreamers priority towards citizenship, but through a law not through a decree – something a Latin American dictator would do.

REYES: But you would terminate the programs. So a person like me who qualified for DACA would be left out and without any opportunities.

BUSH: No. What I am saying is that — I wrote a book — this is totally illegal.

REYES: Yes, but, you recently said that you would dismantle both programs.

BUSH:  Exactly, and pass a bill that would allow for a permanent solution. What DACA does it that it only allows for two years. That makes no sense.

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