
Jonah Goldberg: Hillary Email Scandal Makes Her Look Like ‘Nixon In A Pantsuit’ [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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National Review editor and columnist Jonah Goldberg said on Fox News’ “Special Report” that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ends up looking like “Nixon in a pantsuit” with the paranoid and calculating way she is handling the response to her recent email controversy.

Goldberg said that a recent “Saturday Night Live” parody of Clinton spelled trouble for her upcoming presidential campaign because of what it said about her image. “The ‘Saturday Night Live’ thing is deadly regardless of whether it turns into a major scandal , whether there’s a smoking gun e-mail, because the way Hillary Clinton is responding to this scandal is perfectly consistent with the way she responded to pretty much every controversy over the last 25 years.”

“She goes into a bunker, she gets paranoid, she sends out the usual sock puppets to defend her; you know, we saw Lanny Davis this weekend,” Goldberg continued. “It reinforces the idea that this is the kind of person who is Nixonian, who is Nixon in a pantsuit. It’s a real problem for her, because if this is how she handles a crisis, how do we know she is not going to handle her presidency the same way?”

“The ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit reinforces the sense that nothing about her is authentic, everything she does is calculated, and that is a deadly position to be in when running for president,” he concluded. (VIDEO: Jonah Goldberg Slams Dems’ ‘Demeaning And Sexist’ Appeal To Women)

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