LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The 16th annual White Privilege Conference ended on Saturday not with a bang, but with a whimper. The overwhelmingly white group of participants quietly left the swanky hotel where they congregated for four exciting days of workshops, keynote speeches, “safe spaces” and lots of patronizing banter.
And now it’s time for a quiz.
Can you distinguish between workshops that were presented during the 2015 White Privilege Conference and seminars held at a Ku Klux Klan rally?
(To see the quiz answers, flip to the last page below.)
“What should white people do? Black Leadership & White Radicals”
“A History of White Supremacy and Resistance”
“Manipulating White Anger”
“Examining Whiteness in Educational Settings”
“White Fragility”
“Why Diversity Isn’t Always a Good Thing: The Doubled-Edged Sword ‘Diversity'”
“Disease and Race”
“N!gga(er) & Sports: How Sports Media Fuels an ‘N-Dustry’ That Promotes White Male Supremacy”
“A Look at the Resistance, Action, Courage, & [sic] Equity of White Southern Allies”
“Christian Hegemony and the Bible Belt”
“Engaging White People in the Struggle for Racial Justice”
“Igniting a Model Minority Mutiny: Disrupting the Lie of Asian American Exceptionalism”
“Raising Race Questions: A Tool for Teachers”
All of these workshops occurred during the last three days at the 2015 White Privilege Conference.
Follow Eric on Twitter and on Facebook, and send education-related story tips to erico@dailycaller.com.