Deadspin: ‘The Police Are America’s Terrorists’

Scott Greer Contributor
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While Islamic militants continue to massacre people by the hundreds throughout the Middle East and Africa, sports gossip site Deadspin thinks police officers are America’s equivalent to jihadi terrorists.

Coming off the heels of the high profile shooting of a black man by a white cop in North Charleston, S.C. this week, Deadspin takes a few examples of alleged police misconduct to declare that officers operate as enforcers for a white supremacist system.

“For as long as there have been white people and black people and brown people in America, white people have slaughtered black people and brown people,” writer Greg Howard stated. “Over the years, the techniques have changed slightly, even as they’ve bled into each other. Slavery was slaughter, just as hanging and dragging and beating and hacking are slaughter, just as electrocuting and poisoning and shooting are slaughter. But whatever the method, whites have slaughtered minorities, and there is no reason to think they won’t continue to do so.”

Officers continue this role, apparently, as “agents of the state” and their supposed utilization of the fear that they can kill minorities without consequence — “that the carnage can be easily replicated, virtually anywhere, by virtually anyone; a fear that our lives don’t matter.”

“Police do lots of things, much and maybe most of it laudable. One thing they do consistently and consistently well is engage in what amounts to state-sanctioned terrorism against American citizens, paid for by American tax dollars,” Howard declares.

The author then goes on to claim that “the slaughter of black and brown people has been used as a form of control.”

“For centuries, on a population level, the racial majority has voted and lobbied to give agents of the state more power to act without sanction, to militarize, to kill. Functionally, this has enabled them to wage war on behalf of the majority of the public; to express hatred and fear and aspire to power through campaigns of terror and carnage,” Howard writes.

The Deadspin writer goes on to say that when police officers kill non-whites, they engage in “political violence” that’s intended to subjugate a “civilian population.”

“It’s little different from what we’ve seen in India, or Israel and Palestine, or Ireland — a dominant class using the instruments of power against a subjugated one.”