DC Trawler

#NotAllMuslims Have Been Foiled In France Five Times Since Charlie Hebdo Massacre

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Somehow, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls managed to get through his statement today on Islamic terrorism without bringing up the Crusades.

France 24:

French security officials have thwarted five terror plots across the country since the January “Charlie Hebdo attacks,” revealed French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Thursday…

Sid Ahmed Ghlam, an electrical engineering student, was arrested Sunday morning after calling an ambulance. It appears that he had accidentally shot himself in the leg…

Ghlam’s DNA was also found in the car of a 32-year-old fitness instructor Aurélie Châtelain who was found dead in Villejuif, a suburb of Paris, on Sunday…

According to Valls, 1,573 French nationals or residents have been identified for their involvement in jihadist networks, of which, 442 made their way to Syria “without a doubt” and 97 had died in the region.

And it’s too much to hope that all of them are going to shoot themselves in the foot. I want to know what the other four plots were, and how they were stopped. Seems doubtful that the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag was any help.

This Ghlam creep murdered a woman and was planning to murder more people in Catholic churches. So these guys are branching out from strictly attacking Jews. Hell, they’ll even kill atheists who offend them.

But don’t get on your high horse, all you infidels:

I’m sure Aurélie Châtelain would agree.