
Umpire Will Never Have Children After Taking A Foul Ball Right In… Well… You Know [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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As a former baseball player, I understand the importance of wearing a cup whenever you step on the field.

It doesn’t matter how good of a glove you might think you have, the ball has a nasty habit of finding the one place you don’t want it to find.

Take for example Wednesday’s Korean Baseball Organization game between the SK Wyverns and the Lotte Giants. In the third inning, a foul-tip off the bat of one of the Wyverns caught the tip of the Giants catcher’s glove, at which point it redirected right into the home plate umpire’s manhood.



Safety first, kids.

You can watch the entire video — including the ump getting wheeled out on a stretcher — here.

[h/t Bleacher Report]

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