
GOP Pres. Candidates Head To Atlanta To Rev Up Base Following Debate

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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ATLANTA, Ga.—Republican candidates for the presidency will take no breaks the moment they step off their assigned debate stages in Cleveland. The presidential hopefuls will start to make their way down south to the annual Red State gathering in Atlanta. This year’s RedState Gathering will be themed “Vision 2020.”

Red State will host the event at the Intercontinental Buckhead Hotel and welcome speakers that include current and former members of Congress and state officials as well as others. Red State’s Erick Erickson and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough will kickoff the gathering late Thursday afternoon before the debates begin. Attendees will later view the debates together at a watch party.

“Though I am loathe to ever suggest a topic for speakers, I have asked each of the 2016 candidates to focus on one thing:I’d like them to present their 2020 vision for what the nation should look like after their first four years,” Erickson said in a statement sent by Salem Media Group. “We need to know what they see as the areas that need fixing and how their fixes will reshape the country.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will kick off candidate remarks Friday afternoon followed by former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal later on in the day. Carly Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will round off the day.

By Saturday, former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will address attendees. New York businessman Donald Trump will finish off the event at Red State’s tailgate style gathering at the College Football Hall of Fame. Candidates will hit the campaign trail immediately following their remarks.