
Billionaire Apple Investor Carl Icahn Endorses Donald Trump

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Guy Bentley Research Associate, Reason Foundation
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Billionaire Apple investor Carl Icahn has sounded his support for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in an interview with Bloomberg.

Icahn backs his fellow billionaire on a range of issues including tax reform, immigration and raising interest rates.“I would say it’s an endorsement. I think at this moment in time, he’s the only candidate that speaks out about the country’s problems,” Icahn said over the phone.

In June, Icahn scoffed at the notion of being Treasury secretary after Trump suggested Icahn might be suited for the role, joking that he doesn’t get up early enough in the morning to accept the opportunity. Icahn reversed his position after the first Republican debate.

“I’m behind Trump. I disagree on certain points I don’t want to get into, I’m sure those can be worked out, but the basic thing is, you need somebody that can get things going in Congress, and I think he can do it. You need somebody that understands business, and I think he understands it,” said Icahn.

The business mogul also used the Bloomberg interview to reiterate his fear that the U.S. is in danger of inflating another financial bubble in the real estate market thanks to years of rock-bottom interest rates. The full interview will be published by Bloomberg Tuesday.

On Monday, Donald Trump unveiled his tax plan which would cut taxes for most Americans but would hike the contributions of the wealthy. Trump wants to reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to four and would eliminate deductions used by richer citizens and corporations. (RELATED: Donald Trump Releases Populist-Sounding Tax Reform Plan)

Trump has been leading the GOP field for months, but recent polling shows the boisterous property tycoon’s numbers falling sharply. Following the second Republican debate, the gap between Trump and Ben Carson has narrowed from 16 points to an average of just six points.

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