
Carson: ‘America Will Never Suffer Under Tyranny Because The People Are Armed’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Ben Carson insisted, “America will never suffer under tyranny because the people are armed” Wednesday on CBS “This Morning.” (RELATED: Carson On Oregon Tragedy: ‘I Would Not Just Stand There And Let Him Shoot Me’)

Carson told host Charlie Rose, “We can’t always assume that it’s going to be that case” that we will have “good people at the helm of our country.”

Charlie Rose: Michael Bloomberg, a former mayor, is also very close to the University, John Hopkins and a proud graduate. He has become a very, very strong advocate for gun control. what is it that he doesn’t understand that you understand?

Ben Carson: Well, I think we ought to get him to answer that question.

Rose: Okay, but let me get with you first and then I’ll go to him.

Carson: What I understand quite vividly is what Daniel Webster said. Daniel Webster said America will never suffer under tyranny because the people are armed. That’s what I understand. So I don’t want to see tyranny occur here. You know, Adams also said that there may come a time when we do not have good people at the helm of our country. We can’t always assume that it’s going to be that case.

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