
Cruz Hits Back At WaPo With Cartoon Of His Own

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Texas Republican Sen. [crscore]Ted Cruz[/crscore] tweeted out an image of The Washington Post and The New York Times as Hillary Clinton’s lapdogs on Wednesday.

“Seems like a better idea for a cartoon: Hillary and her lapdogs,” Cruz said in his tweet, a response to The Washington Post’s editorial cartoon that depicted the Republican presidential candidate’s young children, Caroline and Catherine, as performance monkeys for his campaign.

After much criticism, the cartoon of the girls was pulled from the Post’s website Tuesday night by editorial page editor Fred Hiatt.

“It’s generally been the policy of our editorial section to leave children out of it,” Hiatt wrote in a note. “I failed to look at this cartoon before it was published. I understand why Ann thought an exception to the policy was warranted in this case, but I do not agree.”

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