
Limbaugh: Sanders’ Only Hope To Win Black Vote Is ‘To Promise Reparations’

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Rush Limbaugh says the only way for Bernie Sanders to take the black vote away from Hillary Clinton in South Carolina and beyond is to “promise reparations.”

Wednesday on “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” Limbaugh also railed against the Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s strategy to win in New Hampshire as well as the inability of the “drive-bys” to control the outcome of elections.

Beginning on the Democratic side, Limbaugh argued, “Bernie Sanders supporters are just Obama supporters. I mean it’s almost the exact demographic.”

“I mean Hillary was humiliated yesterday. What was it? A 22 point loss. She lost virtually every group. Trump on his side won every demographic group. It’s uncanny. Every demographic group Trump wins, and wins big. And Hillary lost practically every demographic group,” Limbaugh said.

“Bernie Sanders today went to Sylvia’s in Harlem to have breakfast with Al Sharpton. Bernie knows that he is out of this race once we get to South Carolina. The Clinton machine is going to kick in,” Limbaugh argued. “The New Hampshire population doesn’t in anyway mirror what the Democrats and Republicans are going to find in South Carolina and Bernie knows this. That’s why his first stop was Al Sharpton. Bernie’s only hope is to promise reparations: the only way he has a chance of wresting the black vote away from Hillary Clinton.” (RELATED: Black ‘Intellectual’ Ta-Nehesi Coates Endorses Bernie Sanders [VIDEO])

“That’s what makes this kind of comical to look at the leftist establishment media, they’re in panic. ‘Oh my God, Hillary’s can to lose Nevada, Oh gee, oh my God, South Carolina, Hillary’s firewall.’ They’re upset because what we have is a repetition of exaclty what happened in 2008. [It] was obviouly clear to them on their side is that their voters just do not like this women. And they have, they know they’re relatively certain Bernie Sanders isn’t going to be the nominee, it just doesn’t work out for him,” Limbaugh said.

“Just like it doesn’t work out for Kasich. I mean Kasich was a one-off,” the radio host claimed. “The attention paid to the second, third, and fourth placed finishers last night in the media was stunning. I’ve never seen that much attention paid to people second, third, and fourth because Trump ran away with it. And so that was the only drama there was and in what that all meant and Kasich coming in second place makes [in New Hampshire] sense, it’s the only place he’s been campaigning. He’s been going to town halls, he’s been going to diners, he had to say the other day that he’s further left than Hillary Clinton.” (RELATED: Woman Asks Kasich Why She Should Support Him In The DEMOCRATIC Primary [VIDEO])

“He had to say the other day that he is effectively Democrat here. And he’s running around acting like one. We go to South Carolina where he doesn’t have any infrastructure in place and so-forth. Where as people like Ted Cruz have been planning for South Carolina, and the SEC Primary, Super Tuesday on March 1st, since the git-go of this. But on the Democrat side, they’re panicked because it’s abundantly clear again that Democrat voters when they have the chance to vote against Hillary will do it. They don’t like her. She is not liked. She is not popular. She does not have that famous connection with people that I talk about. The drive-bys [mainstream media] are so out of wack, the Huffing and Puffington Post [Huffington Post], in their cover today, just dumps all over the voters of New Hampshire as a bunch of xenophobic, racist, bigot, well other names I can’t mention.” (RELATED: Huffington Post Headline: ‘NH Goes Racist Sexist Xenophobic’)

“So when the media starts insulting and blaming the voters as being stupid, idiots, you know that full-fledged panic has set in because this means that they are unable to control the outcome and that is what the media lost when they lost their monopoly– their inability now to control the outcome, to control the message, to control how people vote, to control what people think, to control what people’s opinions are is all out the window and everybody that considers themselves to be part of the establishment is facing a major, big-time rejection today,” Limbaugh said.

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