The Christian Post, a widely-read news website, Monday joined the bi-partisan Donald Trump circle jerk by spewing forth an editorial titled, “Donald Trump Is a Scam. Evangelical Voters Should Back Away.”
What a crafty guy!
Trump has managed to hoodwink majorities of voters, including many religious, in every nomination contest but one into voting for him. But only the Huffington Post, National Review and now the Christian Post are sophisticated enough to know he is a fraud?
Nobody at the website could be reached for comment. But its note preceding the editorial said it was breaking with precedent of not taking positions on candidates because “Trump is exceptionally bad and claims to speak for and represent the interests of evangelicals.”
“Trump claims to be a Christian, yet says he has never asked for forgiveness.”
How rare: a politician who won’t admit to serious wrongdoing.
“While God, in His wondrous creativity, has drawn people to Himself through the saving grace of Jesus Christ in many different ways, there are certain non-negotiable actions needed to become a Christian: One must repent of their sins and follow Christ as Lord and Savior. Trump doesn’t talk this way, even when urged to.”
Instead, “Trump is a misogynist and philanderer. He demeans women and minorities. His preferred forms of communication are insults, obscenities and untruths.”
Maybe, maybe not.
But all those allegations could be leveled at lots of Democrats—often more credibly.
Misogynist? Philander?
Does the name of credibly accused rapist Bill Clinton come to mind? The ex-president never publicly sought forgiveness for his rampant philandering, even though Hillary reportedly forced him to take an HIV test because of his rampant womanizing.
The Christian Post also took pains to explain that Donald Trump’s followers are well-meaning, although dim-witted.
“The grievances of Trump’s supporters are legitimate. Politicians for too long have promised to represent the best interests of all Americans before an election, only to represent the interest of their cronies after the election. But Trump’s followers are being fooled into believing that he can help them.”
The editorial goes on to criticize Trump for threatening to broaden libel laws and not immediately disavowing support from David Duke.
He was wrong on both counts. But the editors made it sound like Trump is the first politician in American history to try and quell press criticism or avoid distancing himself from unsavory supporters.
To cite just one of countless examples for both parties, last November, three Republicans, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz spoke at a convention organized by Christian pastor Kevin Swanson, without voicing objections to his support for capital punishment for homosexuals.
Just like Trump did with David Duke, Huckabee later claimed ignorance of Swanson’s well-documented views. But the Christian Post did not accuse Huckabee of being an inauthentic Christian.
Regardless, the determination of who is a real Christian and who is a real candidate should be left to God and voters.
Christian Post editors could benefit from a dose of Christian humility.