
Jane Sanders: Hillary Tries To Get Votes From People ‘At The Worst Time In Their Life’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Jane Sanders, wife of Bernie Sanders and one of his key advisers, implied that Hillary Clinton goes after the support of people who are “at the worst time in their life” in order to get their votes.

In an interview with NBC’s Kate Snow on Tuesday, Mrs. Sanders said that Bernie’s campaign doesn’t do that, before hitting Clinton on flip-flopping on her positions on gun control.

Jane Sanders was asked to respond to a supporter of Clinton’s who criticized her husband at a community event on gun violence prevention.

The Clinton supporter said, “I applaud Secretary Clinton for reaching out to us, because that other candidate on the Democratic side did not reach out to us. … Now I’m going to tell you, I think if you want my vote, you better work for it. She’s working for our votes. … I’m not going to give it to you just because you say you can do free college, because if my child is dead, he can’t go to college.” (VIDEO: Hillary Cheers On Woman Who Implies Bernie Doesn’t Care About Dead Kids)

Snow then asked Mrs. Sanders, “What would you say to her if you had a chance to address her?”

Sanders replied, “I guess I’d say my heart goes out to you for losing your child. I can’t imagine anything worse. And I mean, we just don’t go after those votes to call people out of the blue at the worst time in their life and ask them to support him as a candidate. It’s just not what we’ve done.”

“We’ve reached out to groups, Black Lives Matter, and a number of groups on his whole platform. In terms of gun control, Bernie has very common-sense gun control. Secretary Clinton has been all over the map on this. In 2008, she was very opposed to gun control. Now that she’s running against Bernie, she’s very for gun control. Bernie comes from a rural state, and he has common-sense solutions. I think all the solutions that are being offered down in Congress right now, he’s been supportive of.”

Also during that town hall event, Clinton also had Geneva Ridgefield, mother of the late Sandra Bland by her side. (VIDEO: Here’s Hillary Laughing About All The Times Bill Couldn’t Keep It In His Pants)

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