
John Kasich: Don’t Let Anybody Tell You America Is Not Great

REUTERS/Brian Snyder/Files

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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Ohio Gov. John Kasich in a speech Tuesday outlined his path for America and criticized candidates offering a “path to darkness,” telling voters that they shouldn’t let anybody tell them America is not great.

Kasich never mentioned Donald Trump but implicitly attacked the Republican front-runner throughout his speech.

Kasich said America has “two paths.” One “based on exploiting Americans instead of lifting them up” — a  “path to darkness [that] is the antithesis of all that America has meant for 240 years.”

The other path was one of an “aspirational” conservative message, similar to what House Speaker [crscore]Paul Ryan[/crscore] and Florida Sen. [crscore]Marco Rubio[/crscore] spread.

“The response for some is to retreat into the past to yearn for the way things used to be. To these people America is only seen as a broken place and the people who did the breaking are the ‘other’ people with more money or less money. People will different sounding last names or different religious beliefs,” the Ohio governor said.

“We fight for what is good, we fight for what is right and when we do that we win, don’t we,” he continued. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. When we come together, when we unite as a country — America always wins.”

The Ohio governor rounded out his speech by pointing to his successes in Congress where he passed a balanced budget and to his tenure in Ohio with private sector job growth.

Kasich told voters he offers a “higher” path instead of one of “darkness.” In a shot at Trump, he said, “don’t let anybody, particularly a politician, tell you America is not great.”