
‘Morning Joe’ Panelist: DNC Chair ‘Bungled’ The 2016 Election [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Former Democratic Rep. Harold Ford Jr. said Democratic National Committee Chair [crscore]Debbie Wasserman Schultz[/crscore] has “bungled” her handling of Bernie Sanders’ campaign “from the outset.”

Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday, Ford said that it “looked obvious at times” that Wasserman Schultz was favoring Hillary Clinton over Sanders.

“With regard to Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz, I think she bungled this from the outset,” said Ford, who supports Clinton. “I’ve said on the show, I thought there should have been more debates. I thought it perhaps looked obvious at times — she has every right to declare her support for Mrs. Clinton, as I have as well, but I do think as party chairman, you have a set of responsibilities.”

“And I think a strong case can be made that there’s no reason to have antagonized Sanders’ campaign as it looks as if he has been, or the campaign has been from the outset. I think a lot of this could have been resolved earlier on,” Ford said.

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