Media exec Andrew Breitbart might be rolling in his grave. Or living it up. Or Breitbart (the man, not the site) may also be wondering what the hell became of his journalistic legacy since his death in 2012.
Whatever the case, conservative journalists occasionally like to argue publicly about who knew him best. A strange pissing contest, of sorts.
And yes, it’s embarrassing.
On Sunday, a blogger named “RantsOutLoud” — who writes for Verbal Rants Out Loud — got under Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Joel Pollak‘s skin. Rants tweeted a story from The Washington Times about Breitbart staffers accusing the company of taking Trump money for positive coverage. The story by TWT‘s Jessica Chasmar was published on Aug. 10, 2015.
But hey, this stuff never gets old.
Pollack wasted no time in giving the blogger a piece of his mind.
But wait…NationalReviewOnline‘s Jonah Goldberg is calling bullshit on that.
Breitbart News‘ Texas Bureau Chief Brandon Darby jumped into the fray. “Oh boy,” he lamented. “The ‘I knew Andrew better than you’ has started again.” Darby tried to calm things down: “Would you both stop?”
After a reader wrote, “You know Jonah is right. Shame on Trumpbart,” Darby defended his own work and opined on what Andrew Breitbart is or isn’t thinking: “He’d be ashamed of our border coverage? Our cartel chronicles? My work? My team’s work? No, he wouldn’t.”
Daily Caller editor Scott Greer had to weigh in. “We’ve once again come to that time of the night where we argue over who owns the rights to Breitbart’s 2016 opinions.” He also brainstormed an idea: “Smart Story Idea: Hire a psychic to talk to Reagan and Breitbart to see what they really think about Trump.”
Somehow Daily Mail columnist Piers Morgan got dragged into this mess.
Darby replied, “You make me mad, but I haven’t forgotten that you were honorable to @AndrewBreitbart when he passed away.”
Sifting through his post death Twitter feed, Breitbart is surely smiling from above.