
Anti-Trump Protest Flier: We Take Inspiration From Violent Communist Movement

Reuters Pictures

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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A flier circulated Friday outside of a Donald Trump rally in Richmond states that the anti-Trump protestors take inspiration from communist fighters in the Spanish Civil War.

The focus of the flier’s writing is to defend a protester’s fight to self-defense. “We fully support your right to self-defense, we do not expect you to take a beating by Trump goons in order for our march to ‘look good.'” the flier states. It adds, “your safety is important, protect yourself. Fascism wants us to peacefully resist while it steamrolls us.”

The flier includes the hashtag “FUCKTRUMPRVA.” It doesn’t seem their march is “looking good” as ten people have tweeted the hashtag as of writing.

“We take our inspiration from the workers of Spain who rose up by the millions to fight fascism when it came to their country. Passive resistance works in certain situations, but it has no impact on heartless racists,” the flier continues to say.

These Spanish workers it references are likely the communists who lost to the nationalists in Spain’s Civil War.