
Muslim Imam: ‘I Object To Hillary’ As President. ‘What If She’s On Her Menses?’ [VIDEO]

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Steve Guest Media Reporter
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In an interview with Fox News’ Geta Van Susteren on Tuesday, Muslim Imam Abu Taubah rejected the notion that a woman could be president and defended stoning as a proper punishment for adultery.

Taubauh, whose pre-conversion name was Marcus Robertson, reportedly had ties to Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen. In the interview with Greta on Tuesday, Taubah said, “No, I do not” condemn stoning a woman for adultery.

Imam Abu Taubah, Screen Grab FNC YouTube

Imam Abu Taubah, Screen Grab FNC YouTube

Taubah later said that he does not condemn “the concept that stoning in an inappropriate punishment for adultery because we find in the Quran and in the Sunna that we stone a person who is an adulterer.”

Van Susteren later asked Taubah about his thoughts about Clinton and he said this: “Hillary Clinton–as a Muslim I object to Hillary Clinton. I don’t believe a woman should be the president of a nation. As our prophet … he taught us, that whenever a woman is in charge, there’s going to be problems. What if she’s on her menses and it’s time to go to war? She’s gonna press the button ‘cause she’s angry? You know? … I don’t believe that she should be put in that position.”


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