The Mirror

Wolf Blitzer Gets Dinged For Dancing At Post DNC Convention Party

(Photo: Screenshot/CNN)

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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CNN held an afterparty for its staff on Thursday night after the DNC in Philadelphia.

“The CNN staff after-party, wrapping up two weeks of convention work, promises to be very entertaining later tonight… Alas, I have to head home for Friday’s ‘New Day,'” announced “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter in a humblebrag in his CNN Money nightly newsletter Thursday night.

At the party, CNN anchor was spotted dancing and apparently “celebrating.”

According to The American Mirror blog — not to be confused with this Mirror blog — conservative writer Olaf Ekberg surmises in the most sinister way possible that “maybe” Blitzer and the other CNN staffers were “celebrating” history being made by their preferred candidate.

Regardless, sugggests Ekberg, Blitzer was spotted drinking wine and dancing around with CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger and some delegates to “Sweet Caroline.”

Ekberg writes, “It was the perfect image of the media and Democratic cabal.”

That, or else CNN staff was having a party and Blitzer an Borger were partaking in strange human party rituals known as drinking and dancing.

The Mirror sought comment from Blitzer on the matter.

UPDATE: From a CNN spokeswoman:

“After two straight weeks on the road covering both conventions, the last night at the Grill was a time to unwind, have a drink and celebrate CNN’s tremendous success. CNN staffers and their guests – both republicans and democrats – joined in the fun. To suggest it was anything more than that is, quite simply, absurd.”

The video was posted by ABC15 reporter Nick Ciletti out of Phoenix.