
EXCLUSIVE: Colin Powell’s Personal Emails Hacked, Published By DCLeaks

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

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The Daily Caller can exclusively reveal that two years worth of emails have been stolen from former secretary of state Colin Powell’s personal email account.

The emails range from between June 2014 to August 2016. The most recent emails are dated August 19, 2016.

When asked for comment regarding the apparent hack, Powell replied: “I wasn’t aware of any infiltration of my Gmail account. If accurate my privacy has been violated.”

“As a private citizen I would hope journalists would respect that privacy,” he added.

The emails were given to hacktivist group DCLeaks by unnamed hackers. They emails are currently password protected. DCLeaks puts the total number of hacked Powell emails in their possession at around 30,000.

The Daily Caller was able to examine some of the hacked emails, which cover topics such as Donald Trump’s feud with the Khan family and Hillary Clinton’s email server.

The hacked emails reveal some people close to Powell expect him to endorse Hillary Clinton before the Nov. 8 election.

Former New Jersey governor Christie Whitman — a Republican who has said she will vote for Clinton over Trump — sent Powell an email in late July with the subject line, “Hillary.”

“Have you endorsed her yet?” the one line email said.

“Nope,” Powell replied.  “By the way, if you have a WSJ today take a look at my piece on immigration. I can send it you missed. On Oped pages.”

“You’ll recall that in 2008 and 2012 I waited until early fall,” he added.

Powell confirmed the email chain’s legitimacy to TheDC.

On July 30, Powell emailed several people a link to a Huffington Post article on Trump’s then-budding feud with the Khans.

On August 2, longtime Powell friend and adviser Harlan Ullman asked Powell, “when are you going to throw the knock out blow?”

“I try not to bother someone who is beating himself and the GOP up. And please, don’t start bugging me like every newsie and getter in town,” Powell replied. “If and when I do it will be known.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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